Perseids Shower

If you're in Duck, NC, you're in for an amazing show with the Perseids! These meteors put on a dazzling display during those perfect August nights. The whole event runs from mid-July (July 14) to September 1, but you’ll want to mark your calendar for August 12 or 13 when the Perseids really hit their peak.

Being in Duck, away from city lights, is ideal—you could catch anywhere from 50 to 75 meteors per hour during the peak! These shooting stars are tiny particles from comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle as it cruises through the solar system, leaving behind its sparkly trail. And since they appear to shoot out from the constellation Perseus (our celestial hero), you'll have a perfect view of the action.

      For the best views, check the lunar schedule to see when the moon will be out of sight, creating the darkest dark sky for viewing the meteor shower. Then, grab a blanket, head to the beach, and get ready for a stunning night of stargazing!

      Photo of Perseids & the Milky Way by Kevin Potter. Location: Duck, NC August 13, 2023.

      Check for Moon Phase Dates here.

      Want a family photo with the stars? - check with OBX photographer Wes Snyder.

      See information about meteor showers and when to see them on the American Meteor Shower Society website - Meteor Shower Calendar.

      Get Tips on How to Photograph Meteors with a DSLR Camera - Click this link.